I give so much credit to the bloggers out there. This has been up one day and feeling a bit stressed and tired. The main reason for this little piece of the internet is to try to get people to click the first link as I did. Once I was aware of the travesty that is Juarez I could not stop trying to find information on it. Because the killings have been going on so long it is a bit overwhelming parsing through current and dated material. You may as well just read everything because you will eventually, anyway. It is extremely underwhelming that for fifteen years this has been going on unabated and underreported. Theories abound as to the perpetrators...Organ harvesters, drug dealers, snuff film producers, the rich, the poor, the powerful, the bus drivers’, Ad nauseam. I think that unless they pick up every rug in Mexico, most of the killers of these women will not be punished here on earth. As an American, I can trace the murder of women right back to my computer, my closet and my jeep. A maquiladora or maquila is a sister factory to a U.S. company. For about five dollars a day, thousands of workers in Mexico and elsewhere make goods to be sold here in the U.S. While working conditions are difficult, harassment, some say pregnancy tests and low wages, the real danger is just outside these factories. If a woman is late for work she is locked out and has to manage a way home, often at night with no money. Being poor can and has been fatal.
From Karla Sais's website;
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